Kitchen Commercial - Some Boards I made for a company looking to do a commercial for their Kitchen designs.
Kitchen Commercial - Some Boards I made for a company looking to do a commercial for their Kitchen designs.
Kitchen Commercial - Some Boards I made for a company looking to do a commercial for their Kitchen designs.
5 Star Beer Commercial - Worked with a LudingTang Art and Design Studio in Beijing, China to make thes boards for their commercial production.
5 Star Beer Commercial - Worked with a LudingTang Art and Design Studio in Beijing, China to make thes boards for their commercial production.
5 Star Beer Commercial - Worked with a LudingTang Art and Design Studio in Beijing, China to make thes boards for their commercial production.
CarrotQuest 1
Carrot Quest 2
Carrot Quest 2
Subway 1
Subway big 3 - These boards were designs I did for afriend who's in advertising. This was a commercial promoting a customer loyalty card.
Subway 2
Subway Big 2 - These boards were designs I did for afriend who's in advertising. This was a commercial promoting a customer loyalty card.
Subway 3
Subway Big - These boards were designs I did for afriend who's in advertising. This was a commercial promoting a customer loyalty card.
Subway 4
Comic Page - I did these pages for a customer who wanted a edge getting into business skill
Carrot Quest - Pages from my original series.
Carrot Quest - Pages from my original series.
FS Big - I did these boards for this longterm project I'm working on. It was going to be called Felony Squad but I should really call it the Spruce Moose because it'll probably never get off the ground.
FS Big - Felony Squad - the storyboard. I have an awesome cast of heroes and villains, but I get bogged down in the details. One day. . .
Neim1 - I did these for free for some guy I met on myspace who was looking for a storyboard artist. He's lost in the process somewhere.
Neim 2 - I did these for free for some guy on myspace. It's about some guy who can't take the heat and kills himself.
Chun 1 - Storyboards for a student animation
Chun 2 - Storyboards for a student animation
Chun 3 - Storyboards for a student animation my girlfriend made. Turned out pretty good. I'll link it once she gets it up online.
Chun 4 - Storyboards for a student animation
Chun 5 - Storyboards for a student animation
Chun 6 - Storyboards for a student animation
Chun 7 - Storyboards for a student animation
Goblins 1 - Various Storyboards
Goblins 2 - Various Storyboards
Goblins 3 - Various Storyboards
Neim 2
FelonySquad 1 - short sequence from one of my private works
Kitchen Commercial 1
Kitchen Commercial 2
Kitchen Commercial 3
5 Star Beer 1
Chunzi 1
Chunzi 2
5 Star Beer 2
5 Star Beer 3
Subway 1
Subway 2
Subway 3
Felony Squad 1
Neim 1
Niem 2
Carrot Quest - Designs for my up and coming Carrot Quest
Ad for Mattress1one - Ad I made.