Sample Agency Web Template - A clean, elegant template design
@stonish Site Design - A new site design, leaving flash video and forms behind in favor of modules and a cleaner, sleeker look.
@stonish Site Design - A new site design, leaving flash video and forms behind in favor of modules and a cleaner, sleeker look.
Quique Diaz Site Design - E-commerce/portfolio site design for Quique Diaz
U.S. Chess League Site Design - New site design for the U.S. Chess League, coming this fall
Twenty Hudson site design 2.0 - The second iteration of Twenty Hudson fit us better but was redesigned shortly after. I get bored.
Miller Site Design - A new, modern take on the Miller corporate site
Kelly Site Design - Staying clean, modern, and concise with the information structure and calls to action
Rivera Blog Design - A newspaper style design for Johnny Rivera's development portfolio/blog
Rivera Blog Design - A newspaper style design for Johnny Rivera's development portfolio/blog
Certus Site Design - Another clean, modern, and organized structure
Suburban Man Microsite Design - A proposed campaign microsite, focusing attention on healthcare through humor and interactive video
Suburban Man Microsite Design - A proposed campaign microsite, focusing attention on healthcare through humor and interactive video
Twenty Hudson Site Design 1.0 - The original Twenty Hudson design. In the end it was too heavy on text and images and eventually replaced with a lighter, more friendly look.
Corbett Online Identity Design - A proposed identity for Corbett, reflecting the natural curves and colors of the agricultural startup
@stonish Logo Redesign - Reworking the logo with a more modern, tech-friendly look
@stonish Print Material - Carrying over the new look in a proposed card set
Ant Interactive Logo Design - Bringing the curved travel path of an ant to the interactive agency logo (it's true, they walk in curves...I swear!)
Atlantic Logo Redesign - With subtle changes in style and layout, the Atlantic logo gets refreshed
J&H Logo Design - A simple typographic treatment for the new J&H brand
Fuhriman Logo Design - A simple, strong brand look for the mountain sport chain
Blue Whale Illustration - A quick illustration
Dinner With The Author Poster Series - A poster series, easy to customize and cheap to print fit the bill
Design Samples
Michael Berry
Art Director Providence, RI