"Connections: Retirement Pension of an Artist" (2011) - Dimensions Variable Old palette, animal fur, cloth, tin can and parts from asthma pipes
"Connections: X-ray" - Dimensions variable
"Lady Blue Eye" (2011) - Dimensions Variable Assemblage of scavenged dollparts, cloth and metal
"Connections: A Melting Pervert" (2011)
"Connections: Sweet Kiss" (2011) - Dimensions Variable Painted circuitboard and old candies
"Red Baroness" (2011)
3-faced turtle - Painted dollparts, green craftwire, papermass.
Ms. Swamp in bondage (2010) - Painted doll parts, plaster, black clothe.
Moustache flower
Black Knight (2009)
Mr. Diseaseface
Voodoo (2010)

Assemblage figures made from recycled material.

Freelance, Full-time
Tuukka Teponoja
Comic artist, visual artist (BA) Imatra, Finland