Jehangir - Illustrations done around the concept how the body works like a machine for us..and that we need to take care and maintain it just how we would for a machine.
Jehangir - Hoarding for orthopedic care
Jehangir - Kiosk - All illustrations done around the concept how the body works like a machine for us..and that we need to take care and maintain it just how we would a machine
Jehangir - Kiosk
Jehangir - Kiosk
Jehangir - Kiosk
Jehangir - Kiosk - Illustrations done around the concept how the body works like a machine for us..and that we need to take care and maintain it just how we would a machine
Jehangir - Kiosk
Jehangir - Kiosk - Illustrations done around the concept how the body works like a machine for us..and that we need to take care and maintain it just how we would a machine