Citroen 11cv (German Staff Car)
Model and Texture

Lewis Machine - Aerial version used as a defensive weapon in the rear of vintage aircraft. This particular model can be seen on the Hawker hardy Aircraft on this page.

A set of 81mm Mortar Ammunition boxes created as a prop for Forgotten Hope Levels.

Hawker Hardy. This plane is featured exclusivly in the level 'Battle of Keren' in Forgotten Hope 2. This particular aircraft bares the markings of the Rhodesian Airforce fighting in East Africa 1941.

Another in-game screenshot of the Hawker Hardy.

A set of East African 'Tukul' round houses for the Forgotten Hope 2 level 'Battle of Keren'

Keren Train Station - An Italian colonial train station built in the 1930s in Keren, Eritrea. This building was made for the FH2 Level "Battle for Keren". I was able to use internet reference to construct this as the building is still standing today.

Polikarpov Po-2 Soviet WWII Biplane - Ingame screenshot. modeled and textured

An MG81z dual machine gun used in many german aircraft during WWII