Lapinos by Tomish Design
The Lapinos is a rabbit bound for 2 sectors, retail and designer toys.
Designed in cardboard with a scale ranging going from 60cm to 2.50m, it can animate sales spaces window displays and booths during the Easter period, an important commercial event on the french market, but it can also be used throughout the year.
Like all Tomish's products, Lapinos is packed flat, delivered in kit, and ultra-customizable.
White, unprinted, it will enthrall Design toys Addicted by its size / price ratio, and the opportunity to work its customization, flat or volume, either personally or through Tomish Design, actually a usable object for any event, gift or need timely.
Certainly, there will be less durable than vinyl toy, but less expensive, more environmentally friendly, and with the same effect.
Lapinos, and your communication is bunny boosted.
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