Conceptual Billboard Design for Land Rover - One of Two Conceptual Billboard Designs for Land Rover. My motive was to really downplay the vehicles and illustrate the dream destinations.
Conceptual Billboard Design for Land Rover - Two of Two Conceptual Billboard Designs for Land Rover. My motive was to really downplay the vehicles and illustrate the dream destinations.
Conceptual Magazine Spread Design for Land Rover - Conceptual Magazine Spread Design for Land Rover. Again, my motive was to really downplay the car and focus on possible destinations.
Conceptual Mailer Design for Murderball - Conceptual Mailer Design for the release of the documentary, Murderball, about the sport, wheelchair rugby.
Conceptual Invitation Design for Murderball - Conceptual Invitation Design for the release of the documentary, Murderball, about the sport, wheelchair rugby.
Conceptual & Book Cover Design
Toby Verhines
Graphic Designer & Artist Laurel, MD