Dream - Dream is a game i have made for people who are revalidating from an operation in a hospital. Media can be used as a drug that takes away or lowers the pain. (Concept: adventure game that brings the patiant in different surreal worlds)
Falling for Rotterdam - Flash website to promote Rotterdam (Dutch city) In honour of the ELIA Teachers congress (a congress for art school teachers in Europe)
SophieZoo - Game for children in the Sophia Childrens Hospital suffering a chronic desease. (Concept: A educational game that gives children information about different animals guided by an wise owl called Hendrik)
milieurecht - A bookcover for teachingmaterial in the environmental law.
Tree/testscreen - academie assignment (Nature vs. Media)
Van Lanschot Bankiers (voor info.nl) - New website for Van Lanschot
Redesign ASN Bank
Design for a new webshop
design for robeco business desk (info)
Tobias van Veen
Rotterdam, Netherlands