BreakFAST Vending Stand - In our fast-paced world eating healthily while on the go can be difficult. BreakFAST offers cereal-to-go as well as a range of juices and fruits. This stand has been ergonomically designed to allow all users and employees to be able to interact with it comfortably.
BreakFAST Vending Stand - Detail of Stand model.
BreakFAST Vending Stand - Detail of Stand model.
Ergonomic Research - Ergonomic research for Stand design and layout. Research has conducted from both a customers and employees point of view.
BreakFAST Cereal Bowl Development - To ensure that customers feel comfortable and familiar with this new form of fast food, cereal-to-go, this recyclable cereal bowl has been designed. The lid of each bowl contains the customers preferred type of milk, which can then be added to the cereal at any time.
BreakFAST Cereal Bowl - To ensure that customers feel comfortable and familiar with this new form of fast food, cereal-to-go, this recyclable cereal bowl has been designed. The lid of each bowl contains the customers preferred type of milk, which can then be added to the cereal at any time.
Case Study - BreakFAST