A large part of sales were done through the website, but a print version of the Energetix catalog was a successful way to present product as well as vital information. These were circulated throughout the medical community, and were constantly updated due to new products, ingredient changes and updated FDA regulations.
Retail display cards sent to practitioners who carried the Energetix line of products. Visible graphics with strong calls to action, mades these an effective tool in driving sales.
Product launch flyers included in shipments to announce new products. These were also sent directly to practitioners as a tool to drive sales and awareness of new product lines.
Print ads in various medical and holistic magazines. They were a valuable asset for increasing awareness about Energetix products and driving traffic to the website.
Website banners, ads and pop-up windows.

Energetix is a leader in Homeopathic blends, known to be a leader in splagyricaly produced products. All collateral was created collaborating with marketing department to achieve an effective marketing strategy that met brand identity as well as strict FDA guidelines.

Freelance, Full-time
Tim D. Gould
Graphic Design / Branding / Marketing Tacoma, WA