144 unique colors that have all been selected as a lager color palette and paired down into mini color palettes of 4 for each card. There are 36 cards in all.
Matching Green pieces to print colors
Matching color to game pieces, Purple pieces on the site fall more into the magenta side of purple
Pastel Cool, Neutral and Warm palette cards
Skin tones from Light to Dark
Base Saturated colors
Color Pallet

A color palette for the Game Crafter, a board game making company. This color Palette was to aid in the creation of games by increasing the ability to match colors to game pieces, print production, and improve overall color quality for games.
Each card includes 4 colors in a mini palette, line weight and hex code is also shone to the right. This aids in creating games that will have strong color theory and design. The best part is being printed through the site also allows costumers to see from screen to print how the colors will come out.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Tim Enslow
Industrial Designer Escondido, CA