Personal Shopping System - A solution to maximize the efficiency of the shopping experience for any individual, regardless of age or dexterity and time available. The objective to tackle some of the wider issues that surround an everyday routine from a new perspective. By interrogation of the reasons we shop, a new service can be created that in turn can inform the brief for a new product, if even needed at all. Using a blended approach of service design and product evaluation to complement, this project aims to make life easier in response to increasingly busy lifestyles and an aging population.
HUG - In response to longer working hours and a sharp increase in a range of stress related ‘non medical’ conditions, more people are looking towards self help and alternative treatments to cure ailments. ‘Hug’ offers escape from these everyday strains by directly targeting the pressure points on the back of the neck related to these conditions. Being fully interchangeable Hug can be manipulated to resolve specific problems relative to symptom whilst also being adaptable to be worn discreetly, if required while on the move.
Compacting the shopper - Details the manner in which the shopper is compacted, in order to save space during storage.
Scanner System - Deatils the process in which a scanner is used as part of the shopping system within the store. Included is the interface that the customer interacts with when navigating the shop, choosing items requested for 'pick-up' later that day, or 'home delivery'. The objective being to lighten the burden and bulk of the shop, while used in conjunction is the optional product Shopper.
Stair Safety Kit - In the UK 60% of death related accidents within the home result from stair related incidents. Incidents that result from simply miss-placing of step edges and lack of visibility, stability during usage. This solution constructs to install a fully illuminated handrail that is moulded to suit a universal grip at any given point. LED’s light the rail on touch and also face downwards to illuminate the step edges directly below. Its construction is easy to assemble and potentially could save the NHS Millions a year, by even a small decrease in fall related incidents that result in hospitalization and care.
Thomas Woods
Newcastle, United Kingdom