AI-VR Workflow

For my 4th year minor projects course I wanted to take the opportunity to explore the use of AI and VR together in a design project to flush out a workflow in the design of this Sci-Fi inspired wrench.
AI rapid #ideation through image generation, #PhotoBashing, overpainting, and feeding the results back into #StableDiffusion #AI to generate further results. This cycle was continued until the form was satisfactory.

Then I brought the artwork into #GravitySketch to make a rough 3d model of the tool, and figure out the mechanisms in the flexible 3d space of #VR modeling .

With the proportions and mechanism worked out, I was able to rebuild the wrench in #Solidworks. Then CNC out the frame, and 3d print a prototype.

Thanks to Steven Pong for his guidance as my professor through the project.

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Thomas Wiwchar
Industrial Designer Ottawa, ON