MO-Sod Flyer (2nd version) - This is simply an alternate version of the MO-Sod ad. I like this version better because the individuals look a tad better, and the red letter come out more.
Hulk Promo ad - Obviously, there isn't another Hulk movie coming out this year. This was just a promo piece I did utilizing Poser 7 and Photoshop. This would be my second favorite, after the Star Wars piece.
Star Wars: Family Divided - This is one of my favorite mock pieces. I made the characters with Poser 7. Save for the duel scene in the bottom right, all of the images were separate. I blended all of them together in Photoshop. (Duel Scene) I added the lightening, the flare, and the glow of the lightsabers in photoshop.
SKULLY championship - This entire piece was done using Illustrator. Although Skully is an actual game, there is no San Antonio league. But if there was, I'm sure the poster would look like this.
24: the movie - Believe it or not, this piece was done completely in Illustrator. I used Live Trace to get the black & white portion of the picture, opacity mask & duplication to get the tons of 24s, and I went up to about 30 layer to get the value shapes. You will also notice, I used the gradient tool on the arms to keep the impression that sunlight was at the figure's back.
Hulk 3000 - This is the main movie piece of my ideal "Return of the Hulk" movie. This is a combination - Poser 7/Photoshop - piece. The eye in the background was so intriguing, I had to make a smaller promo piece using it only.
ART show - This is a mock display of a poster for an art show. I drew the actual picture used. After scanning it, all the additional text and effects were added on via Photoshop.
Christopher Keown
TheKeownDesign San Antonio, TX