"Sketchy Pete" - Cartoon Backgrounds

Winter 2010 - 11, Flash/Animate CC with some Photoshop. "Sketchy Pete" was a cartoon property we were developing on our own dime. Pete is a loner who talks with his three-limbed pet tadpole, and butts heads with his schoolyard nemesis Miriam through imaginary, yet epic battles that begin on his sketchpad. My creative director wanted a run-down melancholy look for Pete's world, so I looked at rust belt towns and added some watercolor paintings for misty texture. When the fantasy sequences began(at 3, 5 and 8 o'clock on the collage), much of the landscape would go to outlines or disappear, while color would become more vibrant and the watercolor elements more pronounced. I really enjoyed finding ways to layer flash elements and watercolors together. I posed characters created by my colleagues on storyboards and created the layouts and composite backs. The logotype was created by our graphic designer.

Thad Hendrickson
Senior Illustrator at Flying Rhinoceros Portland, OR