FRABOOM Online Children's Museum - Brain Avatar Environment

Summer 2010, Mostly Flash/Animate CC with some Photoshop - Environment for visiting, sustaining and adding to one's brain avatar as it floats in its Think Tank on a glass desk in the basement of the museum, surrounded by exhibits currently not on display. The basic parameters were laid out for me - in the basement, in a tank, a digital crawl to communicate with the user and a brain cell counter to reflect the accomplishments of the child within the museum environment. I chose the technological look and the exhibits to be displayed in the background. After the environment was created, I was given direction to design 5 themed brains and then went on to make the base brains and design all of the options and accessories that could be used by children in creating their brains. This environment was probably one of the most rich and complex illustrations I've worked on - total time of concept, development and execution was about 6 weeks.

Thad Hendrickson
Senior Illustrator at Flying Rhinoceros Portland, OR