Riff Raff Reef Playfield
The Unsmashable Playfield.
The Unsmashable: Player's screen view with fish avatar
Sandusty Reef Playfield.
Captain McFinn: "Swim 'n Play" - App Environments

Fall 2013 - Fall 2015, Flash/Animate CC. These were large backgrounds that I created for the "Swim 'n Play" app, which is part of Captain McFinn. It's a preschool to young grade school exploration game with animation. The player creates a simple fish avatar and enters one of the worlds, which in their final form, had many characters and interactive points integrated with the backgrounds. To get a sense of scale, the Unsmashable Playfield is 6,144 x 3,072 pixels in the app. The area that the user would see as they swim around exploring can be seen in the third image here, "The Unsmashable: Player's screen view". The other playfields are comparable in size, just wider. The look used here is the same as the one I developed for the cartoons - many of the visual assets were used in both the app and the cartoons.

Thad Hendrickson
Senior Illustrator at Flying Rhinoceros Portland, OR