The bottom section is passive cooled using water and ceramic materials - and does not use electricity or power. Water is stored in a reservoir which is turns passively cools the compartment - ideal for bread, fruit and vegetables. The water in the reservoir can then be re-used for domestic purposes.
Each section can be turned on or off using the electronic interface. As thermoelectric technology is used to the cool - each section can be turned off without the worry of gaseous smell you get with today's fridges. You can achieve complete temperature control over each section including the freezer. The electronic interface can also allocate what is in the fridge, and where it is stored. It also warns users when hot food items are placed in the fridge, or when items are out of date.
Water is used directly from the mains pipe, and is stored in a reservior housed by ceramic insulation. This is able to cool the compartment to temperatures suitable for fruit and vegetables. The water does not make any contact unhygienic surfaces, which means it may be reused for domestic usage. The process is similar to a boiler and a washine machine. The same pipe connections are used.
BENEFITS TO THE USER: - See to allocate items - More control over temperature - Passive cooling saves money - Electronic Interface reduces food waste BENEFITS TO THE ENVIRONMENT: -No harmful chemical waste -No energy wasted on unwanted cooling -Less food waste -Reduced amount of time browsing inside the fridge = less cold air wasted = less energy used.

Eco Fridge

Tez Patel
Award-winning Creative Director across Product design, brand design and brand... United Kingdom