Main house (left); garage and guest house (right) photo by Jane Messenger Photography
Site Plan and Section
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Floor Plans
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Main house from lower terrace photo by Jane Messenger Photography
Red Rock House photo by Jane Messenger Photography
Red Rock House interior photo by Jane Messenger Photography
Sculptural overlap of interior volumes
Interior staircase looking through exterior metal screen photo by Jane Messenger Photography
Screen enclosure at guest house entry photo by Jane Messenger Photography
Study model for patterned exterior cladding
Exterior cladding detail
Exterior cladding pattern details
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Cladding layout diagram
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Red Rock House

completed: 2012
size: 6,000 gsf
cost: $2,700,000
role: Project Architect
phases of involvement: SD, DD, CD, initial CA
architect: Anmahian Winton Architects
contractor: Lou Boxer Builders

Located on a steep hillside within the Berkshire Mountains, this two-building house negotiates the ground plane in two ways: nestled into the hillside (guest house) and cantilevered into the tree canopies (main house) to focus upon the respective rock outcroppings and stream below.
The structure of both buildings is organized around a three-foot grid that provides order to the fenestration.

Project Awards:
2013 Architect Design Review, honorable mention

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Sydney Thiel
Project Manager, University of Washington Seattle, WA