Around The World Children's Interactive Cultural Exploration - Around The World is a proposed design of an interactive children's museum. The center would provide a unique and safe environment for children to develop creatively and gain inspiration through learning about different cultures. The cultural exploration includes five permanent exhibits, ethnically inspired art and cooking classes, outdoor park area, and an art gallery displaying the children's latest creations.
Around The World, Mayans Exhibition
Around The World, Romans Exhibit - Around The World is a proposed design of an interactive children's museum. The cultural exploration begins with five permanent exhibits focused on significant historical civilizations that influenced countries ranging from Mexico to China. The center also provides ethnically inspired art and cooking classes, outdoor park, and an art gallery displaying the children's latest creations.
Around The World, Eskimos Exhibition
Around The World, Multimedia Room
Exterior Building Elevations
Exhibit Entrances concept sketches
Around The World, Chinese Exhibit - Physical model
Around The World, Chinese Exhibit - Physical model
Around The World, Chinese Exhibit - Physical model
Around The World, Chinese Exhibit - Physical model
Senior Exit Project
Stephanie Reed
Project Manager Atlanta, GA