La leche Corporate Logo - La Leche is a Venezuelan non–profit organization that raises funds to provide milk to children. The logotype was inspired by classic typefaces, such as Bauhaus and Futura. La Leche is Spanish for milk. It was founded in 2008 by Michigan State University students. Each year, La Leche chooses a new cause to support.
La Leche - Business Card - The concept behind the stationary is an empty and full glass of milk.
La Leche - Corporate ID - La Leche is a program to raise $10K to make sure that 150 children ages 4 to 8 can have a at least one glass of milk a day. The concept behind the stationary is an empty and full glass of milk.
La Leche - Subway Posters - Monochromatic style highlights the signature color and accentuates the empty milk containers in these Subway cart posters. These posters would be focused to trains commuting to and from New York City’s international airports.
La Leche - Subway Posters - This is the photo cation illustrating how the posters will look once installed on subway carts.
La Leche - Bus Shelter Posters - Posters for Bus Shelters. The copy reads: 1) 2 dimes give Venezuelan kids at least one glass a milk a day. 2) They need milk. 2 dimes give at least one glass a day for Venezuelan kids. Bus shelter posters dimensions: 46" x 67"
La Leche - Bus Shelter Posters - Photo caption for Bus Shelter posters. The dimensions are: 46" x 67"
La Leche - Promotional Brochure - Featuring information about ADIC, facts about the benefits of milk and a brief description of La Leche. When folded, the brochure states the imminent message: They Need Milk. Calling attention to the information inside. Dimensions: 17" x 11"
La Leche - Promotional Brochure - Featuring information about ADIC, facts about the benefits of milk and a brief description of La Leche. To date, La Leche has raised $4,000.00. The picture featured in this brochure was taken at ADIC, the community center, at the children got their first glass of milk in early May of 2010.
La Leche - Promotional Material - These promotional materials are to thank donors for their contributions. When full, The Milk Bank’s donations can be deposited in an account or a pick up can be scheduled. The growth chart is for parents with children ages 4 to 12.
La leche - Website Homepage - The website for La Leche serves to reinforce the look and feel of the main identifier. The website plays a key role in educating the visitors about the cause behind La Leche and the reality that Venezuelan children live in.
La leche - Website - The website for La Leche serves to reinforce the look and feel of the main identifier. The website plays a key role in educating the visitors about the cause behind La Leche and the reality that Venezuelan children live in.
La Leche
Susana Galarza
Visual Designer Philadelphia, PA