Contigo - Thesis Book - The adjacent graphic visually represents the current and proposed business models for ADIC. Contigo is a sustainable financial model for a community center in Caracas, Venezuela called ADIC (Association for Integral Community Development). La Leche, another of my projects, inspired Contigo. I wanted to keep working with the community center but this time making sure they could finance their own projects and not rely on donations.
Contigo - Thesis Book - ADIC, the community center Contigo is intended for, provided the data used to analyze the situation of the poor community. The residents have the skill level necessary to help the center. The relationship between the center and the resident becomes reciprocal.
Contigo - Website Reference Page - The website is a platform for Affiliated Franchisees to show their work, have an online profile and get feedback. In Venezuela, clients usually hire subsistence workers based on word of mouth. Through Contigo’s website, clients have immediate access to feedback and don’t have to rely on word of mouth. Navigation tabs Profile: perfil Messages: mensajes Contract: contrato Portfolio: portafolio Resume: credenciales Appointments: citas
Contigo - Website Reference Page - Potential clients can review feedback online. Contigo's website is a new tool for subsistence workers in Venezuela. The way these workers get hired is by word of mouth, which often times results in poor choices when it comes to the worker and the job performed.
Contigo - Portfolio Page - The portfolio page will help the clients choose which specific Affiliated Franchisee they will hire based on the type of job and expertise of the worker. In Venezuela, portfolios of work are unusual for informal service providers and their clients. The portfolio gives the new Affiliated Franchisee tangibility and credibility. The clients can know exactly what kind of worker they need or want to hire based on the expertise shown on the portfolio.
Contigo - Online Contracts - Contigo contracts will protect both parties: the clients from not receiving services and the Affiliated Franchisees from not getting paid. Contracts will also infuse a sense of responsibility and accountability, which is a big problem with service providers in Venezuela. The contracts are easy to read and use professional terms that are easily understood by clients and Affiliated Franchisees
Contigo - Online Contracts - Explanation of the fields from the online contracts.
Contigo - Resume & Message Page - Resume Page Subsistence workers rarely, if ever, have an actual resume for clients to review. Resumes will be checked for accuracy by ADIC’s staff Message Page Clients can send messages to Affiliated Franchisees regarding delays or late changes to the job. The workers will also receive messages on their cell phones
Contigo - Uniforms - Through Contigo, subsistence workers become Affiliated Franchisees. To keep overhead costs low Contigo Affiliated Franchisees will wear an ID card over a white t-shirt and blue jeans. For security reasons, the ID card will show the same picture as the one from the website. The ID card dimensions are (2" x 3.5")
Contigo - Appointments Page - This the most important page for Affiliated Franchisees where they can keep track of new appointments and record of old ones. Affiliated Franchisees can download receipts under “Ver Mi Recibo” link
Contigo - Affiliated Franchisee's Profile Page - Affiliated Franchisees can update their profile. Changes are monitored by ADIC’s staff
Susana Galarza
Visual Designer Philadelphia, PA