OFB bank
HobbyClub website
Customer Fimder Website
Chocolate Company
Handmade Studio
ShazzleMail Company
GH Maiko - www.ghmaiko.com
Akfa Plast Company - WEbsite for Akfa Plast Company - production of plastic windows
Polish Library - Gminna Biblioteka Publiczna w Izabeline - Logotype of polish library and web design was created by me
Contact Marketing Pro Company - Color style, creative header and nice icons were created by me
Chub Art - website of artist - Online art school
Megamix Company - www.megamix.uz
My own portfolio website design - Now its under construction
Western Health HomeCare - Simple, light and minimalist design
Demeco Company - Header and footer illustrations were made from different photos which i used in collage
Labl.me - Online magazine of ?lothing
Project fo law office
The Unity of Different and Equal - Website for disabled people
CMP Landing Page - email template for rss
Funeral Resources Company - Design of Landing page
Jaccomo Company - Landing page
Space for Happiness - Art Gallery of uzbek modern artists
G-HEADS Project - Art and Media Company
ShazzleMail Company
Web design
Yuliya Zatulovskaya
Freelance Web Designer - Julia Z. Saint Petersburg, Russia