Vision of a Colorblind Detroit - December 2005
Detroit Graphics Exposition
Create Detroit Positive Propaganda Poster Competition
Fischer Building Lobby
Detroit, MI
miCHIgan exhibit postcard - A postcard promoting the first of two exhibitions; one hosted Chicago artists in Detroit, the second hosted Detroit artists in Chicago.
Show Love Exhibit Postcard - A postcard for the annual Valentine's Day Show at the 555 Gallery.
555 Connections Postcard - This was the opening show for the 555 Studio / Gallery in Detroit. Over 600 guests attended. The image is of scaffolding from the renovation, used as a map to help direct visitors to the new gallery.
Bringing Text Alive / TCP Conference (The University of Michigan) - A promotional poster for an electronic publishing conference at The University of Michigan.
The Best of Dinosaur Comics - Cover and layout design for the printed release of the popular web comic.
smart emergency kit - team design project following brand standards.
I solved how to sequentially unfold panels to reveal content while maintaining brand integrity. 2007
smart emergency kit - team design project following brand standards.
I solved how to sequentially unfold panels to reveal content while maintaining brand integrity. 2007