Devil in a dress Marker•Pen•Ink•Paper 2014 Portrait of seven models.
Devil out a dress Marker•Pen•Ink•Paper 2015 Portrait of four models in Intimates.
Lov Marker•Pencil•WaterColour•Pen•Ink•Paper 2014 Portrait of a gorgeous model. Inspired by the work of Alexander McQueen.
Hua Marker•Pencil•WaterColour•Pen•Ink•Paper 2014 Portrait of twin models.
Playtimes Over(Princess Lauryn) Marker•Pencil•Paper 2013 Combination of graphite and marker use to illustrate the models presence and character. The intense glare juxtaposes the playful colors of her attire.
Duo Marker•Pencil•WaterColour•Pen•Ink•Paper 2014 Portrait of twin models.
Roq Marker•Pen•Ink•Paper 2013 Portrait of two models glaring off into the distance.
Lone wolf Water Color•Pen•Ink•Paper 2015 Portrait of a single model.
Chateaux Imperial – B-20 Spirit Fighter Jacket Marker•Pen•Ink•Canvas 2015 Illustration of a developed mesh jacket.
Chateaux Imperial – DFA(DeathFromAbove) Fighter Jacket Marker•Pen•Ink•Canvas 2014 Illustration of a developed quilted jacket.
Kau Marker•Pen•Ink•Canvas 2013 Illustration of a model in a striped (blk & white) bathing suit.
Das Marker•Pencil•Pen•Ink•Canvas 2013 Portrait of a model focusing on the subjects green sunglasses.Primarily the front frame of the tinted shades.
Lost Cubs – Parka Digital Color•Graphite•Paper 2015 Illustration of a concept parka.
Lost Cubs – Parka Digital Color•Graphite•Paper 2015 Illustration of a concept parka.
Chateaux Imperial – Cardigan Color Pencil•Graphite•Pen•Ink•Paper 2015 Illustration of a developed woven cardigan.
Los Marker•Pencil•Pen•Ink•Paper 2014 A study of the flowing dynamics of a lengthy skirt.
Lyv Marker•Pencil•Pen•Ink•Paper 2013 Portrait of a model focusing on the subjects Legs.Primarily the sunburst yellow heels she is sporting.
Mav Pencil•Pen•Ink•Paper 2013 Portrait of a model focusing on the subjects jacket. The posture of the model mimics the curl of vines.
Sketch 1 Pencil•Paper 2013 Rough line work that depicts the essence of the actual models attire.
Sketch 2 Marker•Pencil•Paper 2013 Rough line work that depicts the essence of the actual models attire.
Fashion | Illustration

Hand done Illustrations of models in idealized looks. These images celebrate the combination of technically masterful illustration work and enticing designed apparel.

Freelance, Full-time
Skye Ortega
Graphic Designer | Illustrator | Fashion Designer Miami, FL