Watercrush Logo - Class assignment where we had to design a logo for a make-believe company.
Logo Design - Logo design done for class
Logo Design Color - Color version of the logo design
Heart of Darkness Book Cover - A book cover design done for class
Business Cards - Simple designs for business cards of my making. Done for class.
Business Cards - Simple designs for business cards of my making. Done for class.
Business Cards - Simple designs for business cards of my making. Done for class.
Business Cards - Simple designs for business cards of my making. Done for class.
Holiday Shopping Flyer - We had to create a double-sided holiday shopping flyer for class.
Holiday Shopping Flyer - We had to create a double-sided holiday shopping flyer for class.
Holiday Poster - A poster we did in class in the spirit of the holidays coming up.
Arctic Ice Cream logo design - We had to design a logo in class for a made up company called Arctic Ice Cream. I did the polar bear in Photoshop and imported it to Illustrator where I put the rest together.
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Screentalk logo design - A logo design project done in illustrator for Screentalk Media company. Everything bar the QR code was done by myself.
Screentalk logo design - A logo design project done in illustrator for Screentalk Media company. Everything bar the QR code was done by myself.
Screentalk logo design - A logo design project done in illustrator for Screentalk Media company. Everything bar the QR code was done by myself.
Screentalk logo design - A logo design project done in illustrator for Screentalk Media company. Everything bar the QR code was done by myself.
Construction Work Poster - A poster I did for the school to hang up while under construction.
Valentine's Day Poster - Poster done to celebrate Valentine's Day at school. Used random quotes I came across.
Arctic Ice Cream Business Card - We had to create a set of items using the Arctic Ice Cream Logo design we came up with. It included a business card, letterhead, envelope, and an ad.
Arctic Ice Cream Business Envelope - We had to create a set of items using the Arctic Ice Cream Logo design we came up with. It included a business card, letterhead, envelope, and an ad.
Arctic Ice Cream Letterhead - We had to create a set of items using the Arctic Ice Cream Logo design we came up with. It included a business card, letterhead, envelope, and an ad.
Arctic Ice Cream Ad - We had to create a set of items using the Arctic Ice Cream Logo design we came up with. It included a business card, letterhead, envelope, and an ad.
Career Fair Poster - A poster done for career day here at the school. 4/2/12