Big Carbon Foot - I wanted to address recycling and the carbon foot print in a trendy style. Who better to teach foot prints than big foot himself. I played with the idea of him being a DJ, because DJs "recycle" music into something new. Hope you like it.
Spot Illustration - This was an assignment to test a skills at speed illustrating. We had to effectively illustrate an article, this one being that scientist use mosquito DNA to reproduce dinosaur DNA, in over a short span of a day.
Sandy Coconut
How to Change A Flat Tire - The assignment was to Illustrate how to do a task. I chose to illustrate changing a flat tire. This could be used in handouts, car safety brochures, and much more.
Bunny Butcher
Mermaid - Just an illustration I did for a t-shirt. I think it turned out really well.
Shaun Crump
Illustrator, Graphic Designer, and Web Designer Boyertown, PA