Bailout Movie Poster
Flatulence Analyst
Cat Food Tester
Greed Zombies - The first of a series of illustrations based on a Chicago Sun-Times article of the same title. Basically it the hand reaching out through the pile of money in an attempt to grasp the penny moon.
The Devil Made Me Do It
Hunger Artist
Timbaland ink
Bottom Out
Fry 2 Fly
Don't Look Behind You - Illustration for a book of the same title.
Toy Soldiers of Congo - This piece is an class assigment for editorial illustration, it's based on a GQ article from a year or two ago about the child wars in Congo. I got the concept from a quote in the article that said "If Africa is shaped like a gun, then congo would be the trigger." I took that and tried to make it like a old poster, make Africa the gun (yet keep it looking like Africa.) and put a childs hand around it.
Ameri-"KA" - This is an assignment I had for watercolor class, it's probably my best painting. If you see another painting like this, it just means we went to the same school.
Full Moons & Hot Chocolate