This was a one in a series of videos that re-framed the best battles of INVINICIBLE as a video game sequence, filled with references to the series and classic video games of the past. I wrote all the scripts for this series.
A launch stunt idea for the first episode premiere, we asked fans to tell us what superpowers they had, and we would come up with a superhero name for them. Working with a war room of our agency and Amazon staff, I contributed several quickfire names for Invincible's superfans, some more silly than others. Original thread can be found at
Another sample from the Superhero Name event, written by me. The double-Batman reference is pure coincidence.
To get our show known to the superhero fans, we did a series called Taunting Tweets where we playfully interacted with famous superhero handles from the Marvel and DC universes. Playing into Mark's passion for comic books and superheroes in the show, we leaned in heavily in to his TOV as a cheeky but adoring fanboy. I concepted and wrote the majority of these tweets.
Another Taunting Tweet I wrote for the series.
Another series we did to tease episodes was "Panels To Pixels", showing memorable scenes from the comic book and how they were lovingly brought to life in the show's animation. I scoured both the comics and show footage to find the best comic-footage matchups, and our amazing designers made them work with these awesome videos.
INVINCIBLE Social Campaign

This was another social campaign I had the privilege to work on from start to finish. With creative ideation done by freelance writers, I was tasked with revising & organizing many these concepts into workable executions for social media, along with writing production scripts and post copy for all the major assets of this campaign.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Daniel Shakely
Digital Creative Los Angeles, CA