My porfolio website - I started to create my own porfolio website since I studied in In Multimedia University..
My Website "AELLE" product - I created my website "AELLE" - SUMI for show my new product - Multipurpose Decor Shelf..
Website Teen 2 Teen - My group; 3 people in Creotive Ptd. Ltd which is aim to create teenage website for give fun, advice, discussion forum, and others..
D-HearT Website - It is used for my presentation 'D-HearT'. It is easy for me because it can explain what is D-HearT and make how deaf community like to use mobile phone 'Nokia' if the software D-HearT installed.. D-HearT software have sign interpreter who can help translate english into sign language in mobile phone! It is fun? :P There are many services in D-HearT..
Forum "ArtCreative-S" - SInce beta year, I practiced to do my own forum "ArtCreative-S" for deaf community and hearing society.. My forum also discuss about artdesign, 3D, games, sketches, humor, anime, technology and etc.. It is cute forum haha..
Selina Ooi
::CReAtiVe Deaf :: AbOuT Me!! Klang Valley:KL, Subang, Puchong, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia