Cystral Glass
Love Perfume ~Music~ - I put my mum's perfume bottles with apple glass. I think it is perfect for my work photography!
Secret Recipe for SMoked Chicken Delight - Granny who chop the chicken while she smokes..?? She still busy to sell chickens in 'Pasar'
Kungfu China!! - My sis's ex-bf try to do 'kungfu'..It is funny so I take photo about him! haha
Traffic Road near Sunway~ - I still wait until cars come.. It is really tired for me. > < It is hard to take a photo like this..
Waterfall~ Cool! - I walked along the jungle in Taman Negara..I really tired and find is not easy! > < Thanks to my guide tour for lead me went to a place which have waterfall..It is very beautiful? :) I really love nature!!
Nature Waterfall 2 - I saw small waterfall at other place.. So, I try to take a photo.. This photo about water can stop at time!!
Beautiful Waterfall~ - I try to reach at top of waterfall and want to climb under waterfall!! My clothes be wet..-_- But, I lucky when I catch a beautiful photo!! ^ ^
Angkor Wat City - Wow.. I saw a big face with ruin city when I reached at Angkat Wat CIty!! I really love it! It is very beautiful place..
Angkor Wat City 2 - When I went into angkor faces at anywhere!! The face of ruin city is King of ANgkor Wat!! ANy temple sure have king's face!! @_@ It is very beautiful place..
Temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia - I saw beautiful rainfall below the temple of angkor wat.. I love this photo! I be lucky when I see a rainfall come at my place near temple of angkor wat~! ^ ^
Village in Tasik Cambodia - I really shocked when I saw many villagers stay in the boats at the Tasik Cambodia!! It is great! I saw a school boat! :O When he went to a school, he suddnelly be smile to me while I take a photo~ Haha I think that he is nice boy..hehe
Temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia - I went to temple of angkor wat.. There are a monk who take care of temple.. The sky is beautiful.. I like it! ^ ^
Selina ll Photography
Selina Ooi
::CReAtiVe Deaf :: AbOuT Me!! Klang Valley:KL, Subang, Puchong, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia