Audi R8 car park
Audi R8 nightshoot - The image is a CG composition. The image was modeled in Maya and rendered in fryrender with layerblending for the lights and many passes for postproduction. The car is remodeled from a purchased dosch design 3d object in my last 3d work as a archviz, only maintaining rear part, tyres and plate. All the rest is remodeled for me. Hope you like it!
Automotive projects - Modeled in Maya and rendered in Fryrender
Automotive projects - Modeled in Maya and rendered in Fryrender
Automotive projects - Modeled in Maya and rendered in Fryrender
Automotive projects - Modeled in Maya and rendered in Fryrender
Automotive projects - Modeled in Maya and rendered in Fryrender
Juanjo Bernabeu
Juanjo Bernabeu || 3D Technical Director Madrid, Spain