Me and my ladybird

I was commissioned by Littlewood's to write and illustrate a short story based around the winning entry of the competition for the national bedtime story campaign.

Created and starring Ellie Statham, aged six, the illustrated book, tells the tale of her adventures with a magical ladybird called Lily in her garden.

It was then turned into a free to download 16-page story audiobook format voiced by pop star and mum of three Natasha Hamilton, who helped to judge the campaign.

The campaign was designed to encourage more bedtime story reading amongst kids in the UK and
ran through 19,000 primary schools across the country, seeing nearly 1,000 children aged up to seven years old enter a drawing competition. They were asked to create their own tale by submitting an illustrated storyboard based around their adventures with a magical friend.(see attachment) which I was asked to interpret as an illustrated story.

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Sarah Underwood
Freelance Children's book Illustrator London, United Kingdom