Duc in Altum Sermon Series Design

Duc in Altum Sermon Series: Our new sermon series, Duc in Altum, starts this weekend! Luke 5 records Jesus calling the disciples, a calling with begins with Peter. After fishing all night, Peter arrives at the shoreline at the Sea of Galilee, and Jesus gets in his boat to teach. He says to Peter, "put out into the deep." Peter responds, "we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." Peter caught so many fish he had to summons others to bring in the nets.
When we join the church, we are asked if we will support the Church with our Presence, Prayers, Service, Gifts, and Witness. But how can we still go deep when the "normal" way of fulfilling these vows isn't there?
Our "Duc In Altum" sermon series is based on these first words to Peter to "put out into the deep." We will seek the deeper meaning of Presence, Prayers, Service, Gifts, and Witness.

Sarah Larsen
Communication and Media Specialist Houston, TX