VanDoll Clothing logo - My sister and I are starting a clothing line. here's the logo design. The web site is almost done, this should be real cool. Custom cloths made from cast off tee's and other stuff. check it out.
Lowbrow package design layout - The design for the box to put the tubes in. When its folded up all the webs meet in the corners. Kustom Culture Kitch!
Premium lowbrow Electric Tubes - The package design for the Premium lowbrow Electric Tubes
Preimum low-brow Eletric Tubes - Just for fun art, and package design.
Preposed INSPIRE 2009 web site design - he INSPIRE graphics where created by a Professor in the Broadcast Design and Motion department. It was sent to the web design department too be re-created as a full blown web site. All the elements where re-arranged in to a center column design to be created in CSS.
Altered Asking Ep cover - Up coming e.p. release for local artist here in Savannah. I was hired to Shoot the images for his promo packets as well as design the E.P. cover.
The Newest 09 work
Brandon Schaffner
Brandon Schaffner Savannah, GA