Logo Ad Profitas - This is a logo I designed for a financial consulting company. There was a special emphasis from the client about the colors.
Logo Instituto de la Juventud - This is a logo I designed for the "Instituto de la Juventud " Youth Institute ( as translated ) I wanted the "J" to represent a young body in action, always moving.
logo Mujeres en Red - This is a logo I designed for a Women group called "Mujeres en Red" ( Women on the net ), the logo creates a net of circles, each circle representing different women, helping each other.
logo PB post - These are 2 logotypes I designed for a video-post production facility, The first one a post-production house with the recognizable movie sprockets, an open box, an open house, the second one a trophy representing excellence in digital post-production.
Logo Pueblos - Logo that represents the different old towns of Ecatepec holding each other, at the center an ancient mask that represents the place itself: EHECATL
Sinergis Logo - This is a logo design for a mexican video post-production house. The challenge was to renovate their image to a more digital and modern look
Sinergis Logo - This is a logo design for a mexican video post-production house. The challenge was to renovate their image to a more digital and modern look
Sinergis Logo - This is a logo design for a mexican video post-production house. The challenge was to renovate their image to a more digital and modern look
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Ruy Lopez
CG Artist, GraphicDesigner, 3D Illustrator, Motion Graphics Mexico City, Mexico