Saturn Acuity (Alias Render) - This is part of a project that I did at college that was sponsored by GM. They challenged us to design a vehicle that stayed true to their brand image. I chose Saturn as my brand, and played with forms that were mostly rounded, but also incorporated hard edges.
Saturn Acuity - Photograph of my 1/5 scale model
Saturn Acuity - Photo of my 1/5 scale model
Saturn Acuity - Photo of my 1/5 Scale model
Wheel Design - Here is collection of sketches and my final Alias render for the wheel design for the Saturn Acuity
Ideation - Sketches and maker renders for the Saturn Acuity
Ideation - More sketches and marker renders for the Saturn Acuity
Saturn Acuity - Photograph of 1/5 scale model
GM Automotive Studio
Rowan Converse
Industrial Designer Cincinnati, OH