Ivan Brunetti - Artist's Statement - Ivan is a Chicago comic artist. He has a very dark sense of humor and a love for ephemera. I employed a photographer to take some rich photos of Ivan's workspace for the layout. I chose a minimal approach to the typography and layout so as not to conflict with the rich background, and also to compliment Ivan's simple style.
Ivan Brunetti - pg 2 - The centerpiece is Ivan's art. The background is another picture of his desk, further contextualizing it.
Perfect Harmony - The Performance Paintings of Kris Davidson - Images of the artist and his painting were not available for this article. To get around this I designed these two spreads to mimic the color, tone and rhythm of the artist's work, with is done on stage accompanied by a reggae band.
Front page - I redesigned the SLCC-Meramec student newspaper when I became editor-in-chief. Here you can see my redesign. I also laid out this page and provided the photo illustration.
page 3 - Another page I laid out, and also part of the redesign. I also designed the "house ad" on the upper left.
Halloween Special Section - spread - A special section the paper put out every year. I designed and laid out the entire section.
spread pg 2 - To come in on budget, I chose to do a double spot color on the spread.
Publication Work
Rori D
Graphic Designer/Illustrator St. Louis, MO