The robots look like three dimensional, white excalamtion marks. Measuring 1.4 meters tall with an integrated LED-screen as a ‘face,’ the Flying Robot tour guides will show the exhibition’s visitors around the show and provide them with important facts using a touchscreen application.
Exhibition Guide - Exclamation Marky

Exclamation Marky - Flying Robot.
It is actually a mascot to symbolize futuristic, quickness, youthful energy, enthusiasm, and action. The client demanded the mascot represents all that symbols in exclamation point!. That’s why the robot looks like flying exclamation mark. During the design process, the team was inspired by the actual design of computers, smartphones, and many gadgets, because the intention was to reach young and technology interested people through this robot.

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Ronny Sauer
Diplom-Designer (FH) Leipzig, Germany