Understanding Experiences - The objective of design research is to understand and develop insights about human behavior in the environment in which people live, work, play, and learn. Research programs incorporate a multitude of methodologies to help people articulate their needs and dreams for new product ideas, services, and business opportunities.
Generative Research - Research designed to generate concepts and ideas; using projective tools to help people articulate their ideal experiences around specific themes, products, services, and environments.
Experiential Research - Understanding behaviors around technology; introducing new technologies into peoples’ lives to understand how the technologies changes their experiences.
Evaluative Research - Testing ideas; discussing and comparing current and ideal concepts in a controlled environment.
Translating and Communicating the Research - A deeper understanding of consumers can be embodied in a number of ways. Research findings can be communicated through opportunity frameworks, themes, scenarios and diagrams, enabling concept generation that resonates with the needs, wants, and desires of consumers. These frameworks inspire sketches for product development, interaction design, marketing, branding, and business strategy.