Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Graphic Design Examples from my College Classes - These are all work from assignments that I have done from my college courses.
Promotional Banner for Butter By Keba - This is a layout that I created for a promotional banner for a company named "Butter By Keba".
Promotional Banner for Butter By Keba - This is a layout that I created for a promotional banner for a company named "Butter By Keba".
Image Composition - This is an image composition that I created in Photoshop in one of my beginning classes
Graphic Design Examples