American Hardware Supply - Scratch Built using sheet & strip styrene, and brick sheet. Windows and doors are resin castings made from my patterns built from styrene strip and sheet.
American Hardware Supply - Scratch Built using sheet & strip styrene, and brick sheet. Windows and doors are resin castings made from my patterns built from styrene strip and sheet.
Bascule Bridge - Scratch Built using Sheet styrene, structural shapes, siding and brick sheet.
Citrus Packing House - Scratch Built using sheet styrene,
structural shapes, siding and cut stone sheet.
Ore Dock - Scratch Built from sheet styrene and structural shapes
Blast Furnace & Bolw House - Scratch Built using sheet styrene, structural shapes and siding. Kit parts were also used.
Blast Furnace Detail a - Scratch Built using sheet styrene, structural shapes and siding. Kit parts were also used.
Blast Furnace Detail b - Scratch Built using sheet styrene, structural shapes and siding. Kit parts were also used.
4 High Rolling Mill - Scratch built using sheet styrene, strip and tube.