Black Eyed Peas Concer flyer/Poster - This was one of my Photoshop class projects. Our goal was to come up with a mock concert flier/poster for a popular artist chosen at random.
Modified kid picture - This is the modification to the black and white kid picture, just for fun.
Website mock up - This is a website homepage that I designed. I designed every detail including all the borders, spacing, and buttons. The picture of the books came from a picture on the internet.
Old Cake - This project was similar to the kid picture, it was just a black and white picture that was modified to have some color
Grandad - This picture was originally a black and white picture of my grandfather during WWII and I modified it to have some color but not to be super intense, more of a faded out look.
Kid original - The original kid black and white photo that was used for modification
Playing Card Front - This was a project for my Photoshop class. Our objective was to come up with a card idea, playing cards is what I chose. We had to come up with all of the elements ourselves. This is the front of the card of the "Satan's Children".
Playing Card Back - This is the back of the playing card that I made. All of the elements were done by me. I had inspiration from current playing cards on the market such as Magic the Gathering.
Photoshop Works
Richard Lawson
Student at California State University-Long Beach Long Beach, CA