Hino Trucks Catalog Cover - I was challenged to develop a consistent brand image for Hino Trucks, the medium duty truck devision of Toyota. The previous branding was inconsistent and did not project the premium image that Hino envisioned for their brand. The full-line product catalog was the first piece to be created and established the look and feel that later pieces would follow.
Hino Trucks Catalog Spread 1 - The budget allowed for us to contract a few new product shots along with some full spread dramatic images to help establish a visual theme to go along with their existing tagline "business in motion."
Hino Trucks Catalog Spread 2 - I combined the current corporate colors with the new photography and a more sophisticated grid system to produce a look for the catalog that was more contemporary and high-end than their previous literature.
Hino Trucks Catalog Spread 3 - Colors, tints and graphics were carefully selected to allow existing photography and graphics to blend seamlessly with the new look.
Hino Trucks Corporate Newsletter - Once established, I began applying the new brand identity to all of Hino's corporate literature, including their corporate newsletter.
Hino Trucks Direct Mail Postcards - The branding was adapted to a three-color postcard to create an inexpensive and customizable direct-mail program for Hinos dealership franchises.
Hino Trucks HinoWatch Brochure - The new branding was eventually applied to all corporate literature from catalogs to simple tri-fold brochures, like this one, advertising Hino's roadside assistance program.
Hino Trucks Direct Mail Promotion - This Direct Mail incentive program, developed and managed entirely by R.J. Conlin, was hugely successful in pulling new customers from owners of a competitive brand.
Hino Trucks Branding
Richard Rae
Art Director Belleville, MI