This is my full cover design for the yearbook of 2015. I used polaroid effects on the picture due to our "SCRAPBOOK" theme. We wanted an effect of pictures being laid on a table or a desk. The idea being that we were looking through old pictures. The shadows really make it feel like the pictures are on top of the desk. On the actual book the "OUR" text is embossed to make it seem 3d and the "JNEY 2015" is debossed and seems as if its scratched into the desk with a pen. The color of the "OUR" text portrays our color theme used throughout the book. Overall this was a very lengthy project that I spent hour upon hours working on.
This is the Basketball spread I designed for the yearbook. I decided to use a dominant photo for most of the left page because it was a great action shot that captured movement and our gym.
Cross Country spread for the yearbook. This is one of my favorite spreads throughout the whole book. Not only does it represent the theme well, I designed to be symmetrical giving the layout a clean look.
The clubs spread is designed to give recognition to all of our school clubs. Since we are a smaller school we don't have a long list but the list of clubs seems to grow some every year. When designing this spread the idea was to make it seem like a bulletin board. I think it turned out well and portrays a gamut of similarities to the yearbook theme "SCRAPBOOK."
We use divider spreads for each season to give recognition to important events that took place and weren't assigned to another page in the book. During the fall season we have homecoming so there were many events that happened related to that. At the top of the page is an article about our newly acquired 3D printer the Makerbot Replicator 2. I was actually on the committee to help obtain this machine.
A divider spread for the Winter season. Wrestling State, an award, and team records.
The Spring divider spread features more events. We had the creator of Big Hero 6 visit our school. Dodgeball tournament with a great turnout. If you look at the WITCC Skills Day that shirt is the one I designed in 2014. It won 1st place. With the use of the pieces of paper and tape I think this spread is simple and follows the theme.
2014-2015 Yearbook Work

During 2014 and part of 2015 I was on the yearbook staff for my high school. Our overall theme of the book was a "SCRAPBOOK." We were supposed to incorporate different aspects you would see in a scrapbook into the book to provide consistency throughout the whole book. I was asked to design the cover this year as well as some spreads in this project.