Honda CBR rendering
Hahaha, 1st year
Is it chrome enuff?
Black out
Poor me.. colored pencil and watercolor, no markers
Swiss army
Inter Galactic Space Vehicle
Helix - this is the sketch for Helix.. not bad huh?
Mood - alternative design and detail for Mood, fold able stool..
Mood - still sketches for the"MOod" fold able stool, this is the sketches about the habit of people in leisure time
Mood - sketches for "mood" this is the sketch of operational of the product
Mood - description of the product in use..
design sketches for design dompetitions - rendering with markers and color pencils
illustration - this is a project for a friend's wedding
initial design of a mineral bottle project. The idea is to make a different design from competitor. The design is inspired by the fluidity of water and ergonomic design
Sketches And Rendering
Raka Gemma Maulid
Designer Bandung, Indonesia