With the sectioning capabilities of the scanning microscope and the mechanical tools the Ocugimal provided, we were able to characterize the simultaneous mechanical and microsctructural response of a variety of tissue samples. The gimbal-based motion control allows spanning large regions of ocular tissues, giving a homogenous understanding of the mechanical system.
Throughout the design process it was imperative that both devices were accesible and able to be used frequently in a laboratory environment. This required frequent testing and refinement of our experimental methods and protocols. Consequently I was certified in blood borne pathogens safety and human tissue handling.
This is one of the images from the multiphoton microscope, generated while testing a tissue sample on the Ocugimbal. The red is the collagen while the green in elastin.
Soft Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory

From the summer of 2008 until the winter of 2009 I worked as a research engineer for The Soft Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory (STBL) at The University of Arizona. STBL is focused on solving biomedically-related problems using state of the art experimental and computational techniques in biomechanics. My job was to create devices and methods for testing various types of tissue.

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Jacob Rader
Design Engineer Austin, TX