Sony 3D Wold Shop Front Display 2010 - Sony shop front display portrayed its latest technology in 3D world. The design is carried out in South East Asia market.
Sony 3D World Shop Front Display 2010 - Sony shop front display portrayed its latest technology in 3D world. The design is carried out in South East Asia market.
Sony 3D World Shop Front Display 2010 - rendered image - Sony shop front display portrayed its latest technology in 3D world. The design is carried out in South East Asia market.
Thematic Retail Interior 2010 - a proposal - Combining dim lighting effect and olden days look and feel materials, it conveyed a different experience to customers.
Fashion Retail Outlet, a proposal
Cafe Design, a proposal
Cafe Design, a proposal
Cafe Design, a proposal
Retail Interior Works
Ardian Prajogo
Exhibition & Interior Design Professional Singapore, Singapore