D.O.R.A exploded circa March 2010 - This view shows the layout of the first revision of the DORA. Many changes happened before we reached the working assembly. All parts excluding the claw were modeled by myself.
D.O.R.A circa March 2010 - This was a quick render I did in Solidworks of the DORA.
Inner Tube DWG - This is the only drawing which was complete for this project. Since all the parts were made by us, high quality shop drawings were not needed.
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DORA circa 10.2010 no housing - An image of the latest DORA without its outer housing. This represents the final layout of the inner components.
DORA circa 10.2010 section view - This view gives better perspective of the flow of parts within the system. Lots of parts have been changed. Parts have been made simpler so that we can save time and machine parts by hand whenever possible.
DORA circa 10.2010 - If you took the parts we have machined and stuck them together. our project would look just like this. Except without the claw.
Final poster - Final Poster which I created using photoshop and illustrator (first time using this). Unfortunately we never took a video of the DORA in action.
DORA final render - Solidworks render showing all the components of the final design.
Deep Ocean Robotic Actuator
Dan Proctor
Mechanical Engineer San Diego, CA