An imitation of Russian Constructivism and collage to illustrate the graphic design graduates moving outward and upward into the corporate landscape filled with skyscrapers.
Alpha Channel Film Festival - While designing this two things came to mind. One is that film festivals can without warning spawn groundbreaking films that change the world. The photography work of Eadweard Muybridge changed the world. Secondly, it's a short film festival. And he had the shortest films around.
Another Kind of Blues - An alternate cover I made for the UK Subs landmark 1979 punk album. This is an actual (unphotoshopped) photograph of Manchester from the 1970's and it made me think that the blues might also be sulfur colored when in an industrial setting.
Winning poster design for NYC food festival Meatopia. Based on classic butcher manuals it displays information about the event as well as areas within the event grounds.
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